IMPORTANT: Please note that we do not honor older menus of ours that other websites post on their websites. The only official online menus there are for Green Leaves Restaurant are the ones posted on THIS web site.

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Menu Item Availability & Price Disclaimer


Green Leaves Restaurant & Lounge makes every effort to insure that the prices and items listed on our menus are up to date and correct. However, the prices and items listed on our web site menus are NOT guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice.

When menu and/or price changes are made, those changes may not be immediately reflected on this web site. We post to this web site as often and as quickly as possible, but sometimes these posts may be delayed for some reason or another. In that case, Green Leaves Restaurant & Lounge reserves the right to change menu selections, and/or the prices that accompany those items, as they appear on the menus at the restaurant.

It is important that our customers who visit our web site know and understand this policy/practice, since Green Leaves Restaurant & Lounge will not adjust menu items or prices at the time orders are made, even if they conflict with our web site menus and/or prices. We do guarantee that all items and prices that appear on our menus at the restaurant are accurate, though it may occur that some items on the menu may be unavailable on occasion.

If any inconvenience on our customer’s part has occurred as a result of the delay of these web site postings, we apologize, and we will attempt to update our menu and prices more diligently in the future.

Green Leaves Restaurant and Lounge thanks you for your support and understanding.

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