IMPORTANT: Please note that we do not honor older menus of ours that other websites post on their websites. The only official online menus there are for Green Leaves Restaurant are the ones posted on THIS web site.

Order Online at Green Leaves Restaurant SECURE site!Sorry, we do not deliver.


Andy and Facebook

Andy is the owner of Green Leaves Restaurant and he loves his customers. Andy and his staff have been providing Southern Maine with award-winning Chinese and Japanese cuisine along with friendly service for over 20 years. We use 2 Facebook pages to socialize with our customers: (1) Our Regular Business Facebook page, and (2) Andy’s Personal “Green Leaves” Page. The regular page is their to show out various menus and to make special announcements. Any’s page is where all the fun is at!

Visit our Regular Facevook page.

Visit Andy's Personal "Green Leaves" page.

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